Archive for the ‘Workout Plans & Videos’ Category

Today I trained Chest and Back. My workouts are still very light as I am recovering from a lower back injury at L-5. After my training session I practiced posing to finish off the muscles worked. Some of my posing session is included in this video. My bodyweight is 205 lbs today.

Warm-Up- 15 minutes on treadmill
10 minutes stretching and abdominal work

Chest- Incline Bench Press 4 sets- Pull Ups- 4 Sets (performed as a super-set. (a set of bench and then directly to a set of pull-ups. Short rest and then repeat).

Seated Incline Machine Presses 4 sets- Seated machine rows 4 sets- Seated Pec Dec- 4 sets (these are performed one after the other with a short rest after all three are completed. Then repeat for 4 sets).

10 minutes of posing practice in locker room

A demonstration of a descending set for shoulders using dumbells.

A short video I took after a recent workout. Wearing my Zombie Elimination Squad Shirt. Stay Ready!

A video demonstrating several movements that will help with your overall chest and hamstring development. Dumbbell incline presses, pullovers, cable crossovers and stiff leg deadlifts. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Most Muscular Pose- July 2013

In this photo I am practicing posing after a workout. It is very important to flex and squeeze your muscles when training in order to etch in more definition and hardness. Stay focused on your goals!