Archive for October, 2013

A quick review of some of the gear I used in my day spent training with the Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue Team in the Everglades. We spent the day on their Airboat deep in the Florida Everglades learning the intricacies of rescue in this diverse ecosystem.

This is part of our CERT Training and was very beneficial and will prove a valuable resource in the event that we need to assist our local Sheriff in the event of a rescue scenario.

Some video footage of my Airboat Rescue Training with the Broward County Fire Rescue Station 106 along Alligator Alley here in South Florida. This training was made possible by my local CERT Team in which both myself and my wife are members. We have about 60 active members on our team that can mobilize in the event of a natural disaster or other types of emergencies in order to assist local law enforcement, fire and rescue.

A video Bible Study focusing on John 3:30. In this passage of scripture, John the Baptist says the Jesus Christ must become the focus and he (John the Baptist) must become less. In living out the Christian life today, we need to take hold of these words of Truth and let the Lord Jesus Christ live in us and through us and put aside “self”. Pride gets in the way and can severely hamper our walk with God and our relationship with others. Let Jesus be the primary focus in your life.

Blessings In Christ


A video discussion on reasons why people should be prepping and the reasons for why they prep. Let me know your reasons.

A short video I took after a recent workout. Wearing my Zombie Elimination Squad Shirt. Stay Ready!